
In Moscow Region criminal investigation launched over death of child resulted from dog bites

The Moscow Region Main Investigations Directorate of the Russia’s Investigative Committee has launched a criminal investigation into a crime under part 1 of article 109 of the RF Penal Code (reckless homicide).

According to investigators, on 9 May 2014, a 5-year-old was playing with her mother and other relatives on personal holding in the village of Kamenki. There was a Rottweiler on leash. In the evening when the adults were sitting at a table, the unattended girl walked over to the dog to feed it on some bread. At that moment the dog attacked the child and bit her. The girl died on the scene before the ambulance came.

At present investigating operations are underway to find out all the circumstances of the incident. A number of tests have been set up. Investigation is ongoing.