
Officials of Investigative Committee visit patronized Murom Infant Home in Vladimir Region

Officials of the Central Office of the Russia’s Investigative Committee have again visited Murom Infant Home in Vladimir Region.

Domestic appliances (a kitchen machine, blenders, electric kettles, irons, hot plates) as well as sweets, treacle cakes, biscuits, marshmallows, marshmallow sticks and other confectionary were bought for children on voluntary donations of the officials of the Central Office and in accordance with recommendations and requests of the administration of the Infant Home.

Entertainers from the Detvora Children’s holiday studio congratulated the children on coming New Year and entertained them, held dance contests, played outdoor games and showed some magic tricks. After the performance the children got presents of balloons and sweets. Employees of Murom investigations department of the Vladimir Region Investigations Directorate took part in organizing the party.

During the visit the officials agreed with the Infant Home administration measures of practical assistance in the first half of 2016.

The Investigative Committee has patronized the facility for a few years now. It should be noted that the aid is provided constantly and in other similar social institutions around the country. Almost all regional investigations directorates patronize children’s homes or other social facilities for children. his patronage does not reduced to one-time presents. The officials in necessary take measures to organize highly-qualified medical aid to seriously ill inmates and help in their education and adjustment after they have left the facility.