
Criminal case against State Duma deputy Vladimir Bessonov charged with violence against police officers sent to court

Rostov Region investigating bodies of the Russia’s Investigative Committee have finished investigating a criminal case against Deputy of State Duma of Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation Vladimir Bessonov charged with crimes under part 2 of article 318 of the RF Criminal Code (use of violence dangerous for life and health against a representative of the authority – 2 counts).

According to investigators, on 2 December 2011, in Rostov-on-Don Vladimir Bessonov, who was one of the heads of Rostov-on-Don city committee of the Russian Federation Communist Party (KPRF), organized a non-authorized rally of more than 100 people on the square in front of residence of the Presidential Plenipotentiary in the Southern Federal District. As the rally was illegal, the police arrived at the scene and demanded to stop the event. The suspect and other organizers of the rally refused to do that. A policeman of the Police Patrol and Point Duty Service and Deputy Head of Rostov Region Main Directorate of the Ministry of the Interior tried to turn off the sound recording equipment and thus to   prevent organizers and participants of the rally from committing an administrative misdemeanor. In response to that Vladimir Bessonov and other participants of the rally beat up the policemen and damaged their uniforms.

Although all investigative operations were finished in January 2014, Bessonov and his lawyers deliberately dragged out the process of reading the criminal records so that the case would not go to court. To drag it out Bessonov regularly changed lawyers, refused one and at once filed requests for another. Therefore a court following a request of investigators limited the period of time during which the defendant and his lawyers could read the records. In all, since the beginning of the investigation Bessonov changed 6 lawyers. At the same time he ignored the investigator, who summoned him for procedural operations.

Rostov Region prosecutor approved the indictment in December 2014, and on 28 January 2015, the State Duma by majority of votes consented to send the case against Bessonov to court.

The investigators have gathered enough evidence so the criminal case has been sent to court to be tried on the merits.

It should be noted that Bessonov avoided receiving the copy of the indictment.